March 12, 2016

Nirzari shindig

Ashnah was at last able to make it to this event, having missed the first one last year – the trip there was a veritable adventure in itself and as I’m no driver, the most I can tell you is that the number of roundabouts around Reading is enough to give a saint headaches!  But make it we did and you can’t imagine our delight at alighting from Kay’s car!

Unusually, this shindig was taking place in the afternoon but its informality was simply brilliant and unique.  We walked in to a community centre filled with familiar and friendly faces, and tables set with cups of teas and tea pots and the catering corner filled with home-made cakes and biscuits!  There was no programme, no slots to be booked, simply a 'find-a-partner and get-up-and-dance' attitude.  In the course of the afternoon, Shereen and Thurstan showed up and it did us all a power of good to see them both – our heartfelt congratulations to the new parents and a warm welcome to their son Cillian.  We had a blast and it was an absolutely uplifting afternoon – thanks Nirzari for the hospitality xx

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